Hi Ron,
I want to discuss the non-underlined part-
During the past decade, the labor market in France
has not been operating
If we are discussing about the past decade--shouldn't we use past tense..?
If it was written
Since past decade--> In that case present perfect tense should be used.
But in this scenario we are discussing about PAST. So, how the usage of present perfect tense is correct.
I have one more sentence of MGMAT SC-->
During the twentieth century, the study of the large-scale structure of the universe
evolved from the theoretical to the practical
Here we are using past tense
Are both tenses appropriate with
Don't know why I am getting inclined toward using the past tense with
duringAccording to me we should use past tense as we are discussing about past.
Can you please shed some light into it..?
Additionally, is it correct approach to try to parallel
operating and
functioning in this sentence...??
If so, the first part will be in active voice and the second part will be in passive voice.
But, I have learnt that if two things are connected with conjunction then both part should be either in active or in passive voice.....????
Can I say
INSTEAD is working as a conjunction here.....??
Thanks and Regards,