tim Wrote:You are going about parallelism (and sentence correction in general) completely backwards: Instead of asking why things are correct, you should be asking why they are incorrect. I appreciate that you've expressed what you think is incorrect about this construction, so I will help you see the error you've made:
You have arbitrarily decided that YOU want the parallel element on the left to start with "will". The thing is, that's not your choice to make; it's the GMAT's. You could just as easily (and just as incorrectly) have decided you wanted to start the first parallel element with "the economy", in which case you would now be asking why the words "the economy will" were omitted after the "and instead". Because you can never know where the GMAT wants the parallel element to start just by looking to the left of the marker, you need to start by looking instead to the right. After the "and instead" (our parallel marker) we see the word "come", which is a verb. Now look to the left to see if you can find a verb: "avoid" is that verb. Now we have perfect parallelism, the "avoid..." portion and the "come..." portion. The preamble ("...the economy will") applies to both of these parts.
Hi Tim,
Thank you for your explanation.
I think I got what you said above. In this sentence, GMAT wants to make "avoid" parallelled with "come".
What if they start the parallelism with the "will"? Is it fine to say:
According to some analysts, the gains in the stock market reflect growing confidence that the economy
will avoid the recession that many had feared earlier in the year and instead
will come in for a “soft landing,” followed by a gradual increase in business activity.