'north americans face...' = subject + verb.
to match this, we need another subject+verb before "and". we don't have that.
RonPurewal Wrote:yes, that's a valid structure, but it's bad writing. (compare it to the OA of this problem; read both of them, trying to pretend you are someone who has never seen either.
note that your "edited" version much harder to understand.)
since style issues are not tested on this exam, this is yet another case of "you won't see that, but you don't need to know why not" (which happens virtually every time someone tries to "edit" a GMAC sentence).
A report by the American Academy for the Advancement of Science has concluded that much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to which North Americans are exposed comes from the incineration of wastes.
(A) much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to which North Americans are exposed comes
(B) much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins that North Americans are exposed to come
(C) much of the dioxins that are currently uncontrolled and that North Americans are exposed to comes
(D) many of the dioxins that are currently uncontrolled and North Americans are exposed to come
(E) many of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to which North Americans are exposed come
iMyself Wrote:But my question is WHY we don't use comma before and after of to which North Americans are exposed?
also, in C, HOW "that are currently uncontrolled" and "that North Americans" are parallel to each other?
and in D, WHY not "that are currently uncontrolled" and "North Americans " parallel to each other?
also, it it possible to count 'Dioxin'?
RonPurewal Wrote:also, it it possible to count 'Dioxin'?
if things are plural, you can count them.
RonPurewal Wrote:also, in C, HOW "that are currently uncontrolled" and "that North Americans" are parallel to each other?
and in D, WHY not "that are currently uncontrolled" and "North Americans " parallel to each other?
these are badly formed modifiers. basically, they're writing these the way people might SAY them.
"the person I spoke to" (SPOKEN english) —> the person to whom I spoke (WRITTEN english)
"the grocery store I shop at" (SPOKEN english) —> the grocery store at which I shop (WRITTEN english)
"the box tools are stored in" (SPOKEN english) —> the box in which tools are stored (WRITTEN english)
...same thing with to which North Americans are exposed (WRITTEN english) vs. "(that) North Americans are exposed to" (SPOKEN english).
RonPurewal Wrote:ok, first things first.
you cannot end a modifier with a preposition.
dioxins that north americans are exposed to --> INCORRECT
dioxins to which north americans are exposed --> correct.
for an official example, see #16 in the first edition purple Verbal OG Supplement (= #20 in the second edition blue one).
The tennis match, which was rained OFF, was between Federer and Nadal
The tennis match, which was called OFF, was between Federer and Nadal
In Italy a good plate of spaghetti should not be hard to come by.