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SC 1000 #767

by Roger Mon May 26, 2008 8:10 am

[Deleted because this question is from a banned source - see below.]

The correct answer is D. I get that D is correct as originating and perpetuated are both participles - originating (present particple) and perpetuated (past particple. What I am looking for is specific reasons to rule out option B, C and E.

According to me:
A - Ruled out as originate and perpetuated - both acting as verbs and are not parallel
B - originated and perpetuated both acting as verb - look parallel :roll: - I see nothing wrong
C - same as B - I see nothing wrong
D - Correct
E - same as B, E - I see nothing wrong

ManhattanGMAT Staff
Posts: 9363
Joined: Wed Oct 19, 2005 9:05 am
Location: Montreal

by StaceyKoprince Tue Jun 03, 2008 2:07 am

Please read (and follow!) the forum guidelines before posting.

1000SC is a banned source because it illegally uses copyrighted problems without permission. (And, even if it didn't, we'd ban it anyway - a lot of the problems in the set are fine, but there are a number of bad ones that can actually mess up your study if you use them!)
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum