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Rejecting the apprenticeship model of training social worker

by syxphoebe Mon May 25, 2009 11:47 am

Rejecting the apprenticeship model of training social workers in philanthropic agencies, twentieth-century reformer Edith Abbott was convinced of social work education belonging in
the university so that
students could be offered a broad range of courses dealing with social issues.

(A) of social work education belonging in the university so that

(B) that social work education should be in the university, and that
(C) about the importance of social work education belonging in the university while
(D) that social work education belonged in the university, where
(E) of the necessity of social work education being in the university and


why?could u explain the reason?i am confused.i can not see points.

thanks in advance.
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Re: Rejecting the apprenticeship model of training social worker

by stock.mojo11 Mon May 25, 2009 6:10 pm

syxphoebe Wrote:Rejecting the apprenticeship model of training social workers in philanthropic agencies, twentieth-century reformer Edith Abbott was convinced of social work education belonging in
the university so that
students could be offered a broad range of courses dealing with social issues.

(A) of social work education belonging in the university so that

(B) that social work education should be in the university, and that
(C) about the importance of social work education belonging in the university while
(D) that social work education belonged in the university, where
(E) of the necessity of social work education being in the university and


why?could u explain the reason?i am confused.i can not see points.

thanks in advance.

See the reds above. We can rule out A C E

Now between B & D, B makes an attempt to be parallel but is not. the comma before and makes it wrong. Also using and splits it into two ideas and changes the meaning. using and that means Abbot was convinced of X and Y. But sentence does not mean that. The second part of the sentence in D correctly uses where to modify university and expresses the idea accurately. Another reason why B is wrong is the usage of should.
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Re: Rejecting the apprenticeship model of training social worker

by syxphoebe Mon May 25, 2009 8:57 pm

See the reds above. We can rule out A C E

umm. i see. only one question. what"s the rule?

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Re: Rejecting the apprenticeship model of training social worker

by StaceyKoprince Tue Jun 09, 2009 12:39 pm

Rejecting X, Edith was convinced (of/that/about) Y.

Idiom: Edith was convinced that <something was true/ should happen / should be>.
Eliminate A, C, and E.

B and D are pretty similar but have one major difference. There are two "things" discussed:
(1) SW education at university level
(2) students offered broad range of classes

Are these two things unrelated to one another but both things about which Edith was convinced? That is:
Edith was convinced that social work education should be in the university
Edith was convinced that students could be offered a broad range of courses dealing with social issues

If the above is what I'm trying to say, then I use the word "and" to separate the two things - I'm indicating that they are not necessarily interrelated themselves, but they are both related to the opening part of the sentence (Edith was convinced that...)

Sort of like:
I'm convinced that I should study harder for the GMAT and that I should learn to swim. Is that the kind of thing we're going for?

OR are these two things related to each other? I'm convinced that I should go to the YMCA more often, where I can learn to swim.

If this is what I'm trying to say, I don't want to use the word "and." I want to use some other structure to indicate that these two things are actually interrelated.

That's why D is better than B in this case - because the two things actually are interrelated. If SW education is in the university, then students can be offered a broad range of courses. (Note that the original sentence uses a set-up that also indicates this interrelationship: do the first thing so that the second thing can happen. They're making very clear that these two things are interrelated.)
Stacey Koprince
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Re: Rejecting the apprenticeship model of training social worker

by arnabgangully Fri Nov 30, 2012 4:04 am

Hi Stacy,

A fantastic explanation Thanks.

I am still wondering that the option D is grammatical error free or Not Please comment on it.

that social work education belonged in the university

education belonged in the university is it grammatically Correct.
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Re: Rejecting the apprenticeship model of training social worker

by jlucero Fri Nov 30, 2012 11:48 pm

arnabgangully Wrote:Hi Stacy,

A fantastic explanation Thanks.

I am still wondering that the option D is grammatical error free or Not Please comment on it.

that social work education belonged in the university

education belonged in the university is it grammatically Correct.

You can always assume that the correct answer is grammatically error free. They won't always sound great or be written as you would write them, but there's no error in D.
Joe Lucero
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Re: Rejecting the apprenticeship model of training social worker

by divineacclivity Sat Dec 01, 2012 2:57 am

arnabgangully, "belong in" is right if that's what you want to know.

The following examples should help:
This bike belongs to my friend. (It's friend's property)
Those cups belong in the top drawer. (it's their right place)
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Re: Rejecting the apprenticeship model of training social worker

by jlucero Fri Dec 07, 2012 4:31 pm

Great examples, divineacclivity.
Joe Lucero
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Re: Rejecting the apprenticeship model of training social worker

by divineacclivity Sat Dec 08, 2012 2:27 am

thank you :)
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Re: Rejecting the apprenticeship model of training social worker

by arnabgangully Tue Dec 11, 2012 1:04 am

thanks jl and divine
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Re: Rejecting the apprenticeship model of training social worker

by tim Sun Dec 23, 2012 2:16 pm

Tim Sanders
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Re: Rejecting the apprenticeship model of training social worker

by nitestr Sat Jul 20, 2013 8:16 pm

Hi Instructors & Students

Can we eliminate A, C or E based on other issues besides idiom?

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Re: Rejecting the apprenticeship model of training social worker

by RonPurewal Thu Jul 25, 2013 12:42 am

nitestr Wrote:Hi Instructors & Students

Can we eliminate A, C or E based on other issues besides idiom?


yeah, you can also eliminate all 3 of those choices for the reason explained in this thread:
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Re: Rejecting the apprenticeship model of training social worker

by thanghnvn Thu Nov 07, 2013 6:25 am

syxphoebe Wrote:Rejecting the apprenticeship model of training social workers in philanthropic agencies, twentieth-century reformer Edith Abbott was convinced of social work education belonging in
the university so that
students could be offered a broad range of courses dealing with social issues.

(A) of social work education belonging in the university so that

(B) that social work education should be in the university, and that
(C) about the importance of social work education belonging in the university while
(D) that social work education belonged in the university, where
(E) of the necessity of social work education being in the university and


why?could u explain the reason?i am confused.i can not see points.

thanks in advance.

this is very hard , I think.

sc tests logic. this means we can learn easy logic very fast but we can not learn hard logic even we spent the enormous amount of time.

there is hard logic in this sentence, regarding B and D.
perhaps, I explain rightly inhere but I can not do this question in the test room.

regarding B.

rejecting the model of training workers in the agencies, Edith convince that.... and that...

"that students could be..." can not fit with "rejecting the model...". there is not logic/meaning relation between

rejecting the model..., Edith convinced that students could be offered........

this is the main reason why B is wrong?

honestly, i spend a long time to figure the above point and honestly, I can do this question in the test room.
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Re: Rejecting the apprenticeship model of training social worker

by RonPurewal Thu Nov 07, 2013 8:05 am

thanghnvn Wrote:this is very hard , I think.

If it's "very hard", then you are thinking too much about mechanics, and not enough about what the sentence is supposed to say.

Remember, when you first read the prompt sentence, you should not be thinking about grammar at all. You should ONLY be thinking about "What is this sentence actually supposed to mean?"

sc tests logic. this means we can learn easy logic very fast but we can not learn hard logic even we spent the enormous amount of time.

There is no "hard logic" on SC sentences. If you think there is "hard logic", then you are thinking too much about mechanics and not enough about context.


In this problem, it should be clear that "students could be offered a broad range of courses" in the universities.

In choice B, those thoughts are presented as though they were two separate, independent ideas:
* "Social work education should happen in universities,
AND, separately,
* Students could be offered a broad range of courses (somewhere, we don't even know where)."

That's what "and" does.

Not reasonable.

In the correct answer, "where" correctly indicates that the courses are going to be taught in the universities.