by RonPurewal Sun Jul 03, 2016 4:52 am
there's no good advice that is meaningfully different for these passages vs. other kinds of passages.
remember—the content isn't the point anyway, so, honestly, the nature of the content shouldn't really have much of an effect at all here.
• for whole-passage / main-idea questions, an efficient "reading" skips most or all of the details anyway, so, the nature of those details is irrelevant.
• for detail questions, the essence of the task lies in just finding keywords in the text of the passage, and then locating answer choices that just re-state something that the passage already says. in order to do this, you don't need any sort of deep understanding of the information in the text.
in fact, honestly, on GMAT RC, a deep understanding will probably do you more harm than good.
on detail questions, the correct answers quite literally just re-state things that the passages already say. (if the passage says "my brother is taller than me"... a correct answer would say "i'm shorter than my brother".)
if you KNEW or LEARNED tons of stuff about the content, then, honestly, you'd just become more likely to start OVER-THINKING the questions.