Are there any patterns based on topic (science vs. social science vs. business)? Often, people are better at certain topics and worse at others.
Are there any patterns based on timing or placement in the section?
--> Some people rush on the reading, particularly later in the section when they are running low on time and / or are mentally fatigued. This can affect your performace on the questions, of course.
If you're having mental fatigue issues, it could also be the case that your timing is fine, but you're just more tired towards the end of the test and making more mistakes.
If you're not sure, feel free to paste the RC data from your last MGMAT practice CAT here and I'll see if I can help you figure it out.
Next, I can tell you what to do to develop your own study plan (and we will be happy to check it for you here) - but we do make you devise your own. :) That's better for your ability to analyze the situation and continue to figure out what you need to do to get better.
Before I get into that, one thing: the final 10 to 14 days is reserved for review. By that point, you would want to be happy with your practice test scores. If not, and if you don't have a deadline, then you may want to consider postponing your test in order to give yourself more time to lift your score.
Okay, to figure out a study plan, first read these two articles: ... lly-tests/ ... -the-gmat/Think about how what you've been doing does and doesn't match up with that and how you may need to change your approach accordingly.
Then, use the below to analyze your most recent MGMAT CATs (this should take you a minimum of 1 hour): on all of that, figure out your strengths and weaknesses as well as any ideas you have for what you think you should do. Then come back here and tell us; we'll tell you whether we agree and advise you further. (Note: do share an analysis with us, not just the raw data. Part of getting better is developing your ability to analyze your results - figure out what they mean and what you think you should do about them!)
Then, approximately 10-14 days out, your focus / study plan will switch to this: ... game-plan/ ... -2-review/I'll also leave you with this RC resource; try the material and see if you find it helpful: ... rehension/