Math problems from the *free* official practice tests and
problems from
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READ BEFORE YOU POST: Official Practice Test Math guidelines

by StaceyKoprince Thu Apr 03, 2008 3:30 pm

In addition to regular forum rules and information, this sticky contains rules specific to the Official Practice CAT Math questions folder; read this information even if you have already read stickies in other folders.

This folder is for Official Practice CAT MATH questions only; all problems should be DIRECTLY FROM the Official Practice CAT. ManhattanGMAT Math Strategy Guides, and ManhattanGMAT CAT Math questions have their own folders; please post any questions from those sources in the appropriate folder.

Official Practice Pack Questions CANNOT be posted here; no official questions that have to be purchased can be posted. You can post any of the free questions that come within the Official Practice CAT or as part of the 90 free questions.

Multiple-Choice Question Posting protocol
Please follow the below rules; if you don't, your question will not be answered.

0) BEFORE YOU POST, search for the text from your question; if it already appears in the database, read the existing posts to see if your question has already been answered. If not, add your question to the existing thread for that problem.

1) ONLY post questions that you have personally seen on the math section of Official Practice exams in this folder; DO NOT copy from other web sites. Incorrectly transcribed Official Practice questions are floating around the Internet and causing people lots of consternation in their study.

2) Use the first five to eight words of the problem as your Subject heading. Also, post the entire text of the question and answer choices. Do not use abbreviations.

3) Be very explicit about your question / problem. Don't just post the text of a question without telling us why you're struggling!

4) Post one problem per thread; if you have more than one problem to review, start a new thread for each problem.

5) Only use image files for complicated diagrams or other things that cannot easily be typed in (eg, geometric shapes or seriously complex fractions). If a question is posted as an image, it will not appear in any search results for that particular problem. Also, it takes significantly longer for us to download and view image files - the more we have to do that, the fewer problems we can get through.

6) Please be polite and respectful. Inflammatory, profane, or otherwise unacceptable posts will be deleted and the poster banned.

Other Notes

We instructors will strive to respond to posts within 5 business days, but we can't always guarantee this during high-volume times. We will do our best though! If you are currently a student in one of our classes, use your office hours and/or your instructor for any pressing questions.

If one user posts 5 or more questions in a short period, it may take longer for that user to get a response to all questions because we will try to allocate our time evenly over all posters (to ensure that one person doesn't get a monopoly on instructor time).

We may respond to some very open-ended questions with a request to narrow the topic. For example, "How do I get better at Data Sufficiency?" is too broad to be answered in a forum (we spend hours on this in class!).

Happy studying!
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum
ManhattanGMAT Staff
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by StaceyKoprince Mon Jun 09, 2008 7:41 pm

Just to make sure everyone's aware: this folder is for GMATPrep only, not any practice test from GMAC. GMAT Focus questions cannot be posted here (or anywhere online - GMAC exercises its copyright for questions it sells, so GMAT Focus questions cannot legally be posted online in general).
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum
Posts: 7
Joined: Thu Dec 04, 2008 7:30 am

Re: READ BEFORE YOU POST: GMATPrep Math guidelines

by arielle.bertman Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:31 pm

Hi Stacey,

I just completed a GMAT Prep practice exam and I am trying to search for answer solutions based on the first 5 words of the question (as suggested in the post program follow-up sheet). The search does not seem to work when I have variables (x, y, z) or mathematical calculations (+, *, etc.). Am I missing something? Any suggestions for how to find the answers quickly?


ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Re: READ BEFORE YOU POST: GMATPrep Math guidelines

by StaceyKoprince Tue Apr 27, 2010 12:31 pm

Yes, the search functions can get messed up based upon variables or math functions (people might use different symbols, capitalize or not, etc).

Try searching for a few actual words from somewhere in the problem, excluding symbols or variables.
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum
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Re: READ BEFORE YOU POST: GMATPrep Math guidelines

by StaceyKoprince Sat Jul 07, 2012 4:03 pm

Now that GMATPrep 2.0 includes multiple different products, we have to update our guidelines here.

Any FREE problems from GMATPrep can be discussed here. This includes problems from the practice tests and problems from the 15- question sets that come with the software (for free).

Problems that are from GMATPrep Pack #1, a PAID resource, cannot be posted here. :( (We wish we could, but it's a copyright issue.)

So please do NOT post GMATPrep problems here that do not show up in the *free* materials. Thanks!
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum
Posts: 11
Joined: Wed Mar 13, 2013 1:56 pm

Re: READ BEFORE YOU POST: GMATPrep Math guidelines

by kyle.steiner123 Fri Nov 15, 2013 1:06 am

If I am looking for answers to problems that were part of the for purchase GMAT Prep resources, is there any way to find them or get 1on1 feedback without violating the copyright? The only thing GMAT Prep gives you is the correct answer with no explanation which obviously doesn't help.

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Re: READ BEFORE YOU POST: GMATPrep Math guidelines

by RonPurewal Fri Nov 15, 2013 6:21 am

kyle.steiner123 Wrote:If I am looking for answers to problems that were part of the for purchase GMAT Prep resources, is there any way to find them or get 1on1 feedback without violating the copyright? The only thing GMAT Prep gives you is the correct answer with no explanation which obviously doesn't help.


Not here, unfortunately.
You might want to try your luck on other forums, many of which are more lax about enforcing copyright-related rules. (Unlike many forums that are just forums, we're a test-prep company -- and we currently have a very good relationship with GMAC. Since we value that relationship highly, we don't countenance violations of the copyright policy as other forums often do.)

As far as "1 on 1 feedback" goes, check out our private tutoring programs!
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Re: READ BEFORE YOU POST: GMATPrep Math guidelines

by MichelleK617 Wed Oct 07, 2015 11:55 am

why are some topics marked in Red? (on the left hand column of the posts). Thanks.
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Re: READ BEFORE YOU POST: GMATPrep Math guidelines

by tim Mon Oct 12, 2015 10:21 am

Those are ones that have posts you haven't yet read.
Tim Sanders
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Re: READ BEFORE YOU POST: GMATPrep Math guidelines

by musunna Sat Jan 02, 2016 10:10 pm

Hi, I was searching a GMATprep question on inequility with modulous? However, the database isn't providing me any result.

What's the most effective way to search such question with algebraic operation ? For example, the DS question i'm searching is- Is |x-y|>|x|-|y|?

Thanks in Advance.
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Re: READ BEFORE YOU POST: GMATPrep Math guidelines

by tim Sat Feb 27, 2016 5:29 pm

I'm afraid I'm not aware of an effective way to search for a problem that has very little text. Feel free to browse through the forums to see if you find it though; you may learn a lot in the process! :)
Tim Sanders
Manhattan GMAT Instructor

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Re: READ BEFORE YOU POST: GMATPrep Math guidelines

by RonPurewal Sun Mar 27, 2016 10:23 am

um you can just be a little creative with your search terms, guys. (:

i just put pretty much that exact thing into google, with "" first.
first i tried it with "abs" in place of the absolute value signs.
then i tried "mod".

one of those searches came up with this: ... -t555.html
don't remember which one.

i didn't include the subtraction signs in the search, because google interprets a minus sign as "don't search for...".