There are some global questions such as: "The passage provides support for which of the following statements?" (is this global by the way?)
I feel like I am falling for traps in such questions. I get lost into these types of questions, which have some of the answer choices that talk about details, and I waste time looking to the passage verifying the evidence given in the passage that supports an answer choice.
But I am realizing that these types of question DON'T NEED you to get back to the passage. AM I CORRECT? I follow Ron's approach to reading a long passage. Can I make such an assumption in questions that don't have ANY detail in the question stem itself? In other words, can I assume that the correct answer choice for such questions will address the entire passage as a whole and choices that talk about details are out of the scope of the question asked?
Secondly, what about questions such as: "Which one of the following can be properly inferred from the passage?" Is this similar to the 1st one I mentioned?
Please help. Thanks.