by RonPurewal Tue Apr 15, 2008 3:00 am
yes, you can do that with 'require'.
no, you can't do that with 'demand'. you also can't do it with 'stipulate', 'request', 'propose', or most of the other verbs that take the command subjunctive.
in addition, there are verbs that only take the infinitive construction (i.e., that don't take the command subjunctive), even though they are similar in meaning to the verbs that do take the command subjunctive. one such verb is 'compel': the court compelled the defendant to pay heavy fines.
you can't say 'the court compelled that the defendant pay...' because, well, you just can't.
that's idiomatic usage for you; memorize, memorize, memorize. that's the name of the game.
unfortunately, the only way to learn all the distinctions is practice, memorize, practice, memorize, practice (the vast majority of native english speakers don't fare much better with the command subjunctive, by the way; it's a fairly reliable shibboleth of the educated).