What is the greatest common divisor of positive integers m and n?
1) m is a prime number
2) 2n=7m
I missed this question. Can m=n?
cesar.rodriguez.blanco Wrote:What is the greatest common divisor of positive integers m and n?
1) m is a prime number
2) 2n=7m
I missed this question. Can m=n?
bawies00 Wrote:Is it not possible to say, when using statement 2 only, that the GCF will be 1/2*m ?
rachelhong2012 Wrote:dear instructors,
in order to find out the LCM of two variables/numbers, we have to know all of their primes, am I right?
in this case, we can infer from 2n=7m that n must have 7 as its prime and m must have 2 as its prime, thus their LCM include AT LEAST a 2 and a 7, but we don't know what other common factors they share, thus we don't know what else is in their LCM.