I am still confused about when do we have a pronoun antecedent problem ? the possible errors with pronoun could be ,pronoun doesn't agree in number and case with its antecedent, but still not clear on when to say the antecedent is ambiguous. For example, in the sentences below, the pronouns are correct, however, the pronouns could still potentially refer to another noun oject in the sentence.
Several years ago the diet industry introduced a variety of appetite suppressants, but some of these drugs caused such severe stomach disorders that they were banned by the Food and Drug Administration.
Here they refers not to the nearby object disorders but to the subject drugs. Originally, I believed that there was pronoun problem because of "disorders" and "most corporations"
A huge flying reptile that died out with the dinosaurs some 65 million years ago, the Quetzalcoatlus had a wingspan of 36 feet, and it is believed to have been the largest flying creature the world has ever seen.
Here it refers not to the nearby object wingspan but to the subject Quetzacoatlus. However, originally thought that "it" could have referred to "wingspan" and not Quetzacoatlus"
Factory outlet stores, operated by manufacturers, are usually located miles from downtown and regional shopping centers so that they do not compete directly with department stores in the same trading area.
Here they refers not to the nearer objects manufacturers, miles, or centers, but to the subject stores. Again, I thought they could have referred to anyone of the nouns in the list.
As it is seen above, it is very easy for the pronouns used in the sentences to refer to another noun. Could you kindly explain when there is a pronoun problem, as I am unable to pick a correct rule .