Study and Strategy questions relating to the GMAT.
The PrestigeC687
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Prepartation strategy for upcoming test

by The PrestigeC687 Mon Oct 25, 2021 5:06 am

Can anybody suggest any preparation strategies in the weeks before the test
ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Re: Prepartation strategy for upcoming test

by StaceyKoprince Mon Oct 25, 2021 11:38 am

Hi! Yes, we can give you advice, but I have an important question to ask first (because it completely changes the strategy):

(A) Are you at or close to your goal score and mostly looking to maintain it / hit the top end of your range on test day? (Close = within 10 to 30 points) If this is your situation, you don't need to answer anything below.
(B) Are you not yet close to your goal score and looking to increase it before test day? If this is your situation, I need the below info from you.

1. What is your current scoring level (quant, verbal, total)? (For practice exams, please provide a score for an exam taken under 100% official conditions—no extra time, no extra breaks, etc.) What's your goal score?

2. What are your strengths and weaknesses on each section? If you've taken one of MPrep's practice exams, you can use the spreadsheet and videos in your syllabus (these are available in all syllabi, including the free syllabus) to analyze your most recent one. [Note: This will likely take you a minimum of 1 hour and it will probably take more like 2-3 hours per section of the exam for Q and V—but you will then have a really great idea of your strengths and weaknesses, which is the cornerstone to figuring out how to get better.]

Alternatively, you can use the below article to analyze your CAT, but note that the spreadsheet tracker you'll find in your syllabus is more thorough / lays out the steps for you. ... ts-part-1/

3. What materials have you used so far to study? And what are your general calendar and timeframe? Do you have a deadline by which you need to take the test? How much time do you have to study every week?
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum