phuonglink Wrote:tim Wrote:can you be more specific about what your concern is with the "that"?
at the time i unfolded the concern above i had the bad habbit of learning by heart some rules so this problem really hearts my belief that "announce" should be followed by "that". i may eliminate the thinking "announce that" always out of my head????
well, since the correct answer contains "announce(d)" without "that", you now know that you don't need to use "that" in this construction.
remember --
correct answers are correct; any construction that appears in an officially correct answer must be ok, in terms of both grammar and meaning.
by the way --
in general, it's dangerous
ever to assume that a construction MUST contain the word "that" -- in the vast majority of these constructions, you can substitute a noun for the clause beginning with "that" and still have a legitimate sentence.
grammatically, the reason is that the clause starting with "that"
plays the role of a noun. therefore, by taking out the clause and replacing it with a noun, you are actually not altering the grammar of the sentence at all.
examples (ALL are ok):
I proposed that we meet on Wednesday rather than Tuesday.
I proposed a new meeting time.James estimated that he had not seen Thomas in three months.
James estimated the length of the corridor.
This report indicates that crime is increasing in our neighborhood.
This map indicates all locations at which violent crimes have been committed in the last week.etc. etc.
you can even have sentences in which this kind of thing is the subject, although that's not very common (because there are usually less wordy / more direct ways to write such sentences).
That Maya was on time to the meeting was a shock to everyone, including Maya fact, now that i think about it, i can't come up with even one construction that actually
requires the word "that" in this way -- in every example i can conjure up, the "that"-clause can be replaced by a noun. so, be careful.