I just took the GMAT today and earned an unfortunate score of 620 (Q46, V30). Starting from 460 (Q25, V28) this is great quant improvement, but disappointing verbal stagnation, and short of my (Q48, V40) goal.
My scores are as follows:

*Note I did not review GMATPrep Tests 1 and 2 and did them very early in my prep, thus I think the scores for GMATPrep Test 3 and 4 should not be inflated.
*Unless indicated otherwise all exams were taken under test conditions
I am using the following resources:
-Manhattan 8 series strategy guides
-Manhattan Math Foundations
-OG 13
-OG Verbal
-OG Quant
-1/2 GMAT Club Quant Tests
-GMATPaper Tests
-Mined GMATPrep SC and CR
-PowerScore LSAT Reading Comphrension Bible
-PowerScore Critical Reasoning Bible
-Kaplan 800
-All SC Thursday's with Ron
As I interpret the data, it seems as if I steadily improved until GMATPrep #4. Since then, I have never really recovered and all my scores have varied widely and plummeted. I'm unsure whether my '690' and '710' were flukes or the peak of my bell-curve-like performance?
Quant peaks at [45-47] with no area weaknesses but if I rush through the Quant section or mess timing up I experience a significant score drop. From my MGMAT analysis, once I enter the hard question realm, [700-800], my accuracy drops from 80% to 25%--this is regardless of question type or subsection
Verbal was steady increasing until GMAT Prep Exam 3, since then it has varied widely [30-42]. I have a methodology for each question type and apply it every time I attack a question. I haven't deviated from this in any of the tests, although sometimes I run out of time with the last 2-3 questions. I cannot 'gauge' if I am doing well or not, and I am just as surprised to receive a V30 as V42! I question if I become unfocused or fatigued at the end of the test, but I don't know how I would isolate and fix this variable. I have no idea of 'how I feel' or 'how well I am doing' as when when I do well I feel worse and vice-versa. (I do take the majority of CATs in full exam like conditions).
Depending on the source, my CR accuracy fluctuates but generally remains above 50% on 'high' or 700-800 level questions
SC is pretty consistent across all sources; on the latest MGMAT I had a 100% hit rate until I reached the 700-800 realm, where my hit rate dropped to 10%
RC, on OG passages I either nail them and get 95 - 100% or miss completely with 60 -70% accuracy. My latest efforts, indicative on the last MGMAT CAT, has shown that I was able to improve accuracy on passages where I would otherwise miss completely.
At this point, I'm unsure what my next move should be? Consciously, I feel ready to dig deeper and continue studying away; but I am unsure if I am now going to only experience diminishing returns since I have just crossed the 5 months of studying mark.
I will have two more attempts to take the GMAT before Round 2 apps are due but I don't know what the best methodology should be. My goal is a (Q48, V40) split. All of my studying has been self study thus far; should I take a tactical pause/rest? Enroll in a workshop or course? Re-review all my material?
I'm at a loss.
*I have two more MGMAT Tests and GMAC Exam Test 3 and 4
Thanks for taking the time to read through and I hope you can shed some light on my predicament!