There should be one sticker on the inside of the back cover with this 32 character serial code. If you can't find that, feel free to give us a call so that we can walk you through the registration process.
I am confused the books that I purchased in conjunction with the class I purchased say that I get one year of free CAT exam access. The online access I received through my class purchase only gave me 3 months. How can I access the one year? My books do not have a serial code on the inside cover, THOUGH they have instructions and information pertaining to the one year of access.
Certainly you don't reduce access time for those people that buy the boos and the class time and spend even more money than the $30 required for just one workbook? Please help! I'm about to expire. I can't get a response from the operations e-mail address and I'm taking my GMAT in 3 weeks. I would like to continue using the CAT exams. Thank you.
Sorry you haven't gotten a response -- much of our team has been away for the holidays but should be getting back to you shortly. We're very happy to extend online access for our students. You're welcome to email Student Services ( with your username so that we can set that up in your account.
Hi.. I purchased the book about two months back. And I don't see the 32 character sticker on the back. I may have lost the recipt of that purchase. I called the customer care, they told me that I need to send them the scanned copy of the recipt, since I bought it from third party. I need to register for online cources available. Is there any other way of getting the access with this purchase?
If you ordered the book from our website, your resources are automatically activated. Otherwise, you might have ordered your book used, in which case you would not be able to active the online resources. Reach out to me at and we can talk further about the issue.
We will be happy to help you register your books. Please give Student Services a call at 800-576-4628, so that we may provide you with further assistance over the phone.
We will be happy to help you register your books. Please give Student Services a call at 800-576-4628, so we may provide you with further assistance over the phone.
I recently purchased the CR 5th edition book but when i tried to enter the serial code the book, i kept getting an error message 'The serial code you have entered is NOT valid. Please check the code and re-enter by clicking HERE'.
I checked and re-entered the serial for multiple times but it didnt work. I am an overseas student and I lost my receipt. Please advise how I could solve this issue.
Please send your registration code to Also, in the body of that email, please let us know where you purchased the book (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.).
We will review the code when we receive it and apply the necessary resources.