Hi Ron,
The sentence below is the modified version of a question I have encountered in GMAT exam pack.
"Although children's IQ levels are improving, Department of cognitive mathematics show that the ratio of their......"
This phrase is non underlined part of the question. I have 2 doubts in it
1. How can 'show' refer to 'Department'? ('Department of Labor statistics' is the exact set of words used in the original question)
2. How can 'their' refer to 'children's', which is a possessive?
I have encountered a similar pronoun use (pronoun referring to a possessive) in an OG question as well. Unfortunately I don't remember the question number and also I have failed to find the question. And in some other OG question I have seen an explanation saying that a pronoun cannot refer to a possessive word because a possessive acts as an adjective. Unfortunately, I do not remember the question number again.
Please help me understand these issues.
Thank you very much in advance