RajatG730 Wrote:This is really bad.
GMAC has set the standards and they don't want us to know the exact reason(s) of why they think an option is correct or incorrect.
here, you're accusing GMAC of deliberate deception.
i can understand how you might feel inclined to make such an accusation, especially if you're frustrated with the answer keys, but that accusation is off the mark.
the problem isn't that GMAC (or anyone else) is out to deceive you. rather, the problem is that
it's really, really hard to explain why sentences are correct or incorrect (in ANY language, not just english).
it's really, really, REALLY hard.
if you don't understand the magnitude of the task, just listen to a foreign speaker of
your first language (whatever that might be), whenever you get the chance, and write down the mistakes that (s)he makes.
now, see whether you can explain why those mistakes are, in fact, mistakes (a very difficult task)--and, then, imagine how you'd give that person instructions on how to recognize and avoid those mistakes (an even MORE difficult task).
that's the real problem: when someone has true mastery of a language, his/her command of the language is entirely subconscious/instinctive.
i've been, inter alia, a professional writer and editor for more than 20 years. when i see a SC problem, i can basically just look at the options and tell whether they're right or wrong,
without any conscious reasoning--in exactly the same way YOU could
immediately identify mistakes (and "awkward" things) in the
speech of someone speaking YOUR first language.
the same is true for most good writers/editors...but the number of those people who can competently
explain their judgments is VERY small.
the problem is not simply that people are bad at explaining things (though that, too, is true to a large extent).
rather, the problem is that, to EXPLAIN why one has judged a sentence as right/wrong, one must use thought processes that are
not at all involved in actually MAKING the judgment.
that's a rare skill indeed, and the people who possess it are (generally speaking) expensive to hire.
answer keys have absolutely zero effect on the integrity or validity of the test, so, frankly, they are simply not a high priority for GMAC. thus they hire somewhat less talented (and cheaper) writers to produce the answer keys, thereby saving a dime.