by GMAT 5/18 Wed May 09, 2007 10:28 pm
Chirpy's method is, I think, the best and most efficient way to solve this problem.
However, if you are not good at exponents/radicals/the like, I suggest using trial and error. It will take longer, but you can get the correct answer without truly understanding exponents. Here is my method for those who are stuck and want to try the trial and error ways:
First, I would try to make the denominator a whole number. That would require k = 2, making the denominator 3. Then, I would see if answer a. works. For answer a. to be correct, m would have to equal 11 (m-2=9). This makes the numerator 150,000,000. So, what does 150,000,000 divided by 3 equal? 50,000,000! And that is exactly 5 x 10^7.
Lucky for us, answer a. was correct and this problem could be solved in under 2 minutes using trial and error.
Hope this helps!