I assumed this is from OG11; if not, please correct me so others can find it if need be.
Another weighted average problem.
So X contains 40% rye and 60% blue (and I'm sneezing as I think about that
) and Y contains 25% rye and 75% Fescue.
Then I mix some unknown amount of each together and get 30% rye. Remember that X had 40% rye and Y had 25% rye - so, from the start, I can tell there's more Y than X because the percentage of rye in the final mix is closer to Y's starting point than X's. I can cross off answers D and E.
Here's the interesting thing with weighted average problems - I can actually use the proportional amount that the new mix is closer to Y (or further from X) to find the answer. The difference between 25 (%rye in Y) and 40 (%rye in X) is 15. 30% is 5 away from Y's starting point, or 1/3 of 15. 30% is 10 away from X's starting point, or 2/3 of 15. Swap those figures, and that's the percentage that X and Y contributed to the final mix! So, Y is 2/3 (or 66.6%) and X is 1/3 (or 33.3%).