by sunny.jain Tue Aug 18, 2009 1:27 am
Here are my views:
A. so gradual as to be indistinguishable
Generally in Idiom " to be Y", Y refers to X, Which is true in this case. So its not ambiguous. I did not find any other problem so i moved forward.
B. so gradual so that they can be indistinguishable that.... : Incorrect Idiom : OUT
C. so gradual that they are unable to be distinguished
i found "be" is not required here, If it were 'so gradual that they are unable to distinguish", I would have choosen this, as it is more clear, But again Here it seems like economic shifts are doing some kind of action. Which is awkward.
editor: no. "they are unable to distinguish" is wrong for at least two MAJOR reasons.
first, it would mean that the economic shifts themselves are able to distinguish between things. this is clearly not the meaning of the sentence, nor is it at all reasonable.
second, you'd be left with just "distinguish from X", which is unidiomatic.
D. gradual enough not to be distinguishable
Correct idiom :, usage is right here but "not to be distinguishable" is more wordy than indistinguishable. But still I will keep this in my pocket.
editor: i'm not sure whether "enough not to..." is idiomatic. see below.
E. gradual enough so that one cannot distinguish them
Incorrect Idiom : ?, so Out.
Out of A and D, I found A is more clear, using less Pronoun/Noun than D.
So I choose A.