Question #38 asks: When 15 is divided by y, the remainder is y-3. If y must be an integer, what are all the possible values of y?
In the explanation given in page 51, it defines two ways to solve the problem but I do not understand very well the third paragraph that starts with: "The second thing to note is that y is at most 18." Then proceeds: "When y=18, the divisor (18) is 3 larger than 15, and the quotient is zero. As y increases, the remainder will not change. For example, if the divisor is 19, the remainder is still 15 and the quotient is still zero (the divisor is now 4 more than 15)" and gives another example when the divisor is 20 and says that that remainder is still 15.
Can you clarify on this please as I am having hard time trying to digest why the remainder is still 15 even when the divisor increases. Also I appreciate if you elaborate more thoroughly the two approaches to solve the question.
Thank you!