I got the answer without using the formula but by charting. This is another way to do the problem
Since the days added up to a 100% I thought about the time in consideration as a span of 100 days.
- Code: Select All Code
Days with Rain | Days with Sunshine
30 | 70
| | |
Picnic NoPicnic | Picnic NoPicnic
15 15 | 70 0
Total # of days with picnic = 70 + 15 = 85
Therefore, there are 85 days when Bob can have a picnic out of a total of 100 days. So the chance that bob will have his picnic is 85%
Or using a Chart
- Code: Select All Code
# Days | Picnic | No Picnic | Total
Rains | 15 | 15 | 30
No Rain| 70 | 0 | 70
Total | 85 | 15 100
Total # of days with picnic = 15 + 70 = 85
Therefore, there are 85 days when Bob can have a picnic out of a total of 100 days. So the chance that bob will have his picnic is 85%