Study and Strategy questions relating to the GMAT.
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Need your help

by SalvatoreM866 Sun Sep 03, 2017 6:04 am

Hello everyone, I'm tired and exhausted and I need your help. I actually don't know how I can improve my score.
I studied for 3 month from all MGMAT guide and I did twice the OG 2017, but my CATs are same score: had 3 CATs more or less around 580 52%Q 52%V.
I just want a 660/650 (but, since I'm really exhausted also a 630 would be good).
My big weakness is hard word problems: I don't know ho to beat them, seriously! How can I improve? May you give some advice about study resources or good question banks? Probably I should study from another resource?
Thank you for your patient.
Sage Pearce-Higgins
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Re: Need your help

by Sage Pearce-Higgins Tue Sep 05, 2017 8:23 am

I'm sorry to hear that you're struggling. It sounds like you've done a lot of studying, without the result you're hoping for. Logically, that means that something isn't working. When you say you 'studied' all the MPrep strategy guides, and 'did' the OG2017 twice, I suspect that you mean you read them, did the questions, checked the answers, and moved on. That, in my book, isn't really studying. You don't actually need to do that many problems (I got 760 after doing, perhaps, a fourth of the OG problems), but you do need to study them in depth, understand where you went wrong, and learn from your mistakes.

Because GMAT is not just a content-based exam - it tests problem-solving, strategy, and decision-making - it can be tough to self-study for it. Making progress means, essentially, changing how you think, and that's tough! For that reason Manhattan Prep does a good line in taught courses, in which an instructor will guide you through problems, give you real-time feedback, and support you on your GMAT journey. Have you tried a trial class? That's what I would most strongly recommend for you.