hello MGMAT,
Today I gave a MGMAT CAT and my score is 640 (44 quant /34 verbal).
I can improve on quant since I am a mathematics undergraduate and know my weak areas.
* Just some 700+ questions on Algebra, Probability, Work and Rate.
* Word Problems, Number properties( I haven't started both these books as of yet), FDPs section from Guide 1, Triangles and Diagonals from Guide 4.
I started 2 weeks back with a 520 score( 42 quant/19 verbal) and have solely improved by doing more and more 700 level ques in SC and making my own notes (rules+self made egs.) based on the incorrect responses in SC and explain my GMAT classmates their doubts in SC strategy guide set. I improve more by teaching and preparing good materials........
I have completed only RC guide as of yet but completed FoV for all the three(SC, CR and RC)
The problem is almost all of the RC's that I made wrong on CAT were the inference questions. I dont know how to improve on those question types.
On CR also my weakest area is draw a conclusion, inference can you draw, underlying assumptions.
Plz tell me how to improve the most on these particular topics? Should I read theory or more and more 700 level questions practice would help?
I have only a fortnight and a month to take my Verbal to 45+