This sentence is in MGMAT FLASH CARDS:
My boss is likely that she will take over the eastern division, even though she did not asked for that division, rather the northern division.
Explanation given is : This question is about idioms. A person cannot be "likely that", only "likely to" (although "likely that" can precede a clause, such as in "It is likely that it will rain"). Also, the
correct construction is "not X but Y" or "not X but rather
Y," where X and Y must take the same form.
My Explanation : I agree with explanation given for "likely to", however we cannot use idiom "not X but rather Y" because there is a comma before rather and because of this comma "even though she asked for that division" acts as a modifier . Also rather should be used with than.
Therefore, My answer would be
My boss is likely to take over the eastern division, even though she did not asked for that division, rather than the northern division.
Please Explain......