Hello -
While going through a few SC problems, I found a few inconsistencies with the structure: modifier + noun/subject + modifier. In general I have found that the GMAT does not like this form over clearer forms such as just having one modifier in the sentence and introducing a semi-color to express a separate clause; however, I have found cases in which this former modifier form is valid. Can anyone explain in which cases this form is correct and in which cases it is incorrect?
My examples are from the OG so I cannot quote here, however, I have created my own examples:
"As a swimmer and as a student, John Nash, one of the most influential mathematicians, taught advanced statistical courses" --> This construction is apparently awkward
"With red hair and using a different name, John Smith, the first actor to use red pants, was discharged from prison last year for killing a dog"
--> this construction is apparently correct