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MGMAT Review

by jasonbhaynes Thu Aug 26, 2010 5:11 pm

Not sure if I am posting this in the right area or not but....

I took the Manhattan GMAT, online live course, they had a bunch of different times and the course was three hours long. It cost me 1000 to take, but in all honesty I probably would have paid double for what I got out of it. They break the verbal into three sections, Critical Reasoning, Reading Comp, and sentence correction giving you 1 book for each, then they break the Quant into I think 5 different books with so much information that you are prepared for any question that is thrown at you. The Instructors were great, the lessons were very clear, and the examples in the books they gave were almost identical to the ones on the actual test that I took after completing the class.

The materials alone were far superior to anything I had gotten from Kaplan/Princeton... by the time I took the test it almost felt like I was cheating because each problem was so close to the examples they had provided, so I was easily able to answer all the questions.

Just as a reference, I took the test once got a 570, took the test after the course and got a 710, the first time I took the course I had to guess on 4 problems in each section due to time constraints, second time I took the test I had 20 minutes to do the last 4 problems on each part...I can't say enough good about MGMAT, their instructors, or their materials...worth every penny
Course Students
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Joined: Tue Nov 10, 2009 6:06 am

Re: MGMAT Review

by traveria_turner Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:01 pm

This is so good to hear! I start the class next week. Im attending an actual in-class session, so Im hoping to get great results from this! I'll be sure to report back!