by happy student Wed Dec 22, 2010 9:10 pm
Hello Again. So here it is....610 Q43 V31. +30pts +1Q +3V.
I felt great and had no timing issues. I did my thing and I thought I did very well (compared to Take 1). I can get more specific with my feelings but I will leave it at that for now. Over, it was disappointing and not near my goal of mid 600s for this take.
I didn't get the pop I was looking for in verbal. I thought I was dealing with a fluke after Take #1 and now I am dealing with something else. I don't want to run out of rational thinking regarding GMATs.
The good news is that I went up in score and I don't plan on giving up (so yes, let's go again!). I have no issues with the process and it's become second nature at this point after 5 months of study. I will take a much needed break for 2010 and pick up again in Jan with my goal to re-take in early February.
The bad news is they way I feel considering that I've worked my butt off the last 6 weeks and did everything I was told and more. I even did flashcards on my iPhone every morning on the Subway to work. I attacked my weaknesses, practiced my timing, did practice questions after practice question, made my review plan and followed through on everything. I don't know how many OG questions are left that I haven't done at least once.
So, now what? My best friend and a former student of yours (a GMAT crusher) suggested to attack only 600-700 questions and take the two GMAC practice tests (as he felt they most resembled his true score). I also ponder if I am trailing off at the end of Verbal because of excitement of finishing or something else like a lack of knowledge, but I really have no idea as I believe I kept it together throughout the test.
Stacey, I am a little at a loss. I am down for another go, and possibly another after that pending the gains (if any). I don't know what else to do but to keep practicing an excellence in 600-700 level questions and not give up! Please advise.
My #1 is NYU Part Time and if that doesn't happen, I'd also love do any top distant learning program (Indiana/Duke) and forgo the local networking I was hoping to get in NYC - 2nd to an amazing business education. I also am looking at Fordham Part Time (again due to networking). I don't know if Executive is right for me, or if I am able to attend those programs, but I guess I need to research some more and talk to some schools. I am 26 with 5 years experience in personal finance.
Nonetheless, for NYU PT, I would feel best knowing my GMAT score is within their mean 80% range. I shine with my work experience, including a top professional designation, and have above average grades from undergrad. My essays will be nothing short of the best I can give. Overall, I'd like to think I have a shot at all of these programs.
That's it. Again thanks for reading another rant. Happy Holidays! I look forward to heating from you.