benjamindian Wrote:Thank you, Ron! Somehow, I didn't receive notification for your awesome replies!
thanghnvn Wrote:not easy
why d is wrong is the problem.
D is grammatical and logic but it is wrong because it present a distorted meaning. "as early as" should be an adverb modifying the preceding verb. in D, "as early as" is used as adjective. This meaning is not intended meaning.
RonPurewal Wrote:rx_11 Wrote:Source: GMAT prep.
did you see this problem in the gmat prep software with your own eyes?
it's not badly written -- i.e., if it's a third-party question, then its author did a nice job -- but i can't find it cited elsewhere as a gmat prep problem.
i do know that it's in "1000sc", but please understand that the majority of 1000sc problems are NOT official. (in fact, it's quite likely that the entire corpus of official GMAT SC problems consists of fewer than 1000 problems.)The OA of this question is C. But I don't quite understand which two parts are being compared in this sentense. Could u explain what is used to compare with "the eighteenth century" in C?
"as early as" and "as late as" are not comparisons; they are ways of placing boundaries on the date of some event. for another use of this same construction, check out the non-underlined part of problem #25 in og12 (which i'm not allowed to reproduce here).Moreover, could u explain what's wrong with E?
inappropriate tense.
if the past perfect is used to describe a state or description of something (as opposed to an action verb), it should generally be used to describe a state/description that is no longer the case. since leaching is presumably still an extraction method (this is not the sort of thing that is subject to change), the past perfect is inappropriate.
also, the modifier (starting with "well established") shouldn't be a nonessential modifier, i.e., it shouldn't be set off by commas.
this isn't generally a difference that's tested, so i'll defer the explanation to the following thread, on which i wrote about it: ... tml#p45536
after you read that part, you should better understand why the nonessential modifier doesn't work here.
Sage Pearce-Higgins Wrote:Apologies for the delay in replying here. It looks like you're getting over-complicated with the modifier issue. Both 'well established as early as...' and 'that was well established as early as...' modify 'method of mineral extraction'. (Sure, 'of mineral extraction' is a modifier itself too, so technically 'method' is the thing being modified, but we don't need to go into that much detail.)
I'd encourage you to focus on the verb issue here. Check out the chapter in verbs in the SC Strategy Guide: the past perfect (the one with 'had been') is only used when we need to make clear that the action happened before some previous point. Here, 'was' is the correct tense to use.