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In her 26 years in the forests of Gombe, Jane Goodall

by map343 Sun Sep 09, 2018 6:10 am

In her 26 years in the forests of Gombe, Jane Goodall collected data that proved that chimpanzees exhibit the kind of curiosity so that new patterns of behavior and expression can be passed on from each one to others by imitating and practicing.
A exhibit the kind of curiosity so that new patterns of behavior and expression can be passed on from each one to others by imitating and practicing
B will exhibit the kind of curiosity so that new patterns of behavior and expression can be passed on from one to another by imitating and practicing
C will exhibit the kind of curiosity so that new patterns of behavior and expression can be passed on from one to another by imitation and practice
D exhibit the kind of curiosity by which new patterns of behavior and expression can be passed on from one to another by imitation and practice
E exhibit the kind of curiosity where new patterns of behavior and expression are passed on to others by imitation and practice

This is a SC question in Prep.
I got confused with A,B,C answers, especially the usage of "so that", whcih is used incorrectly in these three sentences.(PS:correct answer is D)
Please tell me sth about the correct way "so that " is used. Thanks a lot!
Sage Pearce-Higgins
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Re: In her 26 years in the forests of Gombe, Jane Goodall

by Sage Pearce-Higgins Thu Sep 13, 2018 4:48 pm

Please search the forums before posting. You may find that your question has already been answered: ... 90-15.html