by StaceyKoprince Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:05 pm
To echo what Rey said, we are doing our best to answer an enormous volume of posts. We're also offering this service for free, so please don't accuse of not being interested in responding to your questions; we wouldn't spend our time doing this if we weren't interested. If we could spend all day doing nothing but answer students' questions and magically still pay our rent at the end of the month, we'd be happy to do so! As it stands, though, as long as we offer this service for free, we can only spend a limited amount of time answering questions, so it's going to take time (sometimes a long time) to get a response. And, as far as I'm aware, there's no other forum out there that guarantees you will get a free reply from an instructor, even if that reply takes a while.
I do apologize that it has taken us this long to get back to you. We have been inundated with posts for the past couple of months and it is, unfortunately, not unusual now for people to wait a long time for a response. We hope we'll be able to catch back up someday. :)
Also, if you are a student in one of our classes, you can always ask your instructor. If s/he doesn't know the answer, you can ask him/her to email the curriculum director, Chris Ryan, and he will get some kind of a response from the most appropriate person. This is likely to happen more quickly (than a forum response), since the request is coming from a student in the class.
Essentially, this problem is a problem. Both the given correct answer (C) and one of the given wrong answers (A) are sort of right and sort of wrong. Basically, there isn't one answer that is completely good for this problem. In my original response, I glossed over the mention of making friends, but as Jad points out in his response, that particular part of choice C is irrelevant. It doesn't matter that the rest of choice C works - that irrelevant part should disqualify it.
That problem was fixed in subsequent printings of the guide, and there's a very good chance it will be dropped entirely for the next edition. In other words, don't worry about this one - sometimes bad problems get through the quality control process!
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum