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by ParthJ26 Fri Mar 23, 2018 11:36 am

Hi, Sage/Stacey!


1. IF X, THEN Y - When both X and Y are clauses, is is true that both the clauses must either be in the active voice or in the passive voice for proper parallel structure?

If I exercise, I obtain more energy. CORRECT?

If I exercise, more energy is obtained. INCORRECT?

2. IF X, THEN Y - When both X and Y are clauses, is is true that the subject pronoun in the Y clause should refer to the subject of the X clause?

Thanks in advance

Parth Jain
Sage Pearce-Higgins
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by Sage Pearce-Higgins Sat Mar 31, 2018 2:18 pm

1. IF X, THEN Y - When both X and Y are clauses, is is true that both the clauses must either be in the active voice or in the passive voice for proper parallel structure?

Yes, that's the case. There's a famous problem about starfish that tests that. However, I'd say that this is a borderline issue for GMAT, i.e. it's the kind of rule that they're likely to break on some occasions.
2. IF X, THEN Y - When both X and Y are clauses, is is true that the subject pronoun in the Y clause should refer to the subject of the X clause?

This sounds good as a general principle (i.e. parallel pronoun use). However, I'm sure it's possible to think up an exception. Remember that clarity of meaning is the most important thing.