Source: Princeton Review
If the salary cap of the National Basketball Association were to be removed, the cost of running a championship team would increase by at least two million dollars or more.
If the salary cap of the National Basketball Association were to be removed, the cost of running a championship team would increase by at least two million dollars or more
Were the salary cap of the National Basketball Association to be removed, the cost of running a championship team would increase by at least two million dollars
Was the salary cap of the National Basketball Association to be removed, the cost of running a championship team would increase by at least two million dollars or more
If the salary cap of the National Basketball Association was removed, the cost of running a championship team would increase by at least two million dollars
Should the salary cap of the National Basketball Association be removed, the cost of running a championship team would increase by at least two million dollars or more
OA is B - is "to be" required and/or correct in this sentence? Is this a case of choosing the least worse option?