Here are two problems that I believe test the same concept. I am having difficulty as I will explain
If m and n are nonzero integers, is m/n an integer?
(1) 2m is divisible by n
(2) m is divisible by 2n
I came across a similar problem in the OG, that shows why I am having difficulty with this concept
[Note: portion deleted by moderator; please do not quote from the OG here!]
Now, in the explanation for the 1st problem, statement 1 is ruled insufficient. Although the elements of n are in 2m's prime box, m alone may not have all of the elements of n's prime box. Thus n may or may not be a factor of m.
But in the second problem, I have essentially the same concept, but [deleted - see note above]
So to summarize
- problem 1 - 2m/n is integer, and m may or may not be divisible by n
- problem 2 - [deleted]
Aren't these two problems saying two different things? What am I missing?