If interest rates remain at their current high levels, many people who currently rent their residences will hesitate to purchase homes. As the price of real estate continues to climb, the costs of a mortgage will be too burdensome. Sellers will be forced to lower their asking prices. So, high interest rates will eventually cause the real estate market to stabilize.
In the argument above, the portions in boldface play which of the following roles?
A. The first is the author's main point; the second is a prediction that follows from that point.
B. The first is a consideration that the author believes will result in a certain situation; the second is that situation.
C. The first is a consideration that weighs against the author's main point; the second is the author's main point.
D. The first is a prediction; the second is evidence in support of that prediction.
E. The first is the author's main point; the second is evidence used to argue against that point.
OA is B and I think it is wrong.
I don't get it.
If interests remain high, people won't buy homes.
As prices rise, sellers will be forced to lower prices. Cost of mortgages will be too burdensome.
Hence, high interest rates will cause the real estate market to stabilize.
I suppose "stabilize" means people will start buying homes again. How is bold statement 1 what will happen in the situation in statement 2? That implies: When high rates cause the real estate market to stabilize, people will hesitate to purchase homes (even though sellers will be forced to lower their asking prices considering the high mortgages rates). It doesn't make sense to me!