stock.mojo11 Wrote:Combine. How many 10's are in 30!
3 10's (10,20,30)
Now 10 can also be 5 X 2. rather than counting 2's and 5's just count 5's as there can be only that many number of 10's
5,15,25 ( total of 4 5's) Note that there are two 5's in 25.
this solution is good, in that it gets at the underlying structure of the problem (i.e., this problem is ultimately about prime factorizations).
however, it's unnecessarily try-hard.
here's all you have to do:
forget entirely about 10, 20, and 30, and
TAKEAWAY: this is the way to go in general - when you break something down into primes, you should not think in hybrid terms like this. instead, just translate everything into the language of primes.)
each PAIR OF A '5' AND A '2' in the prime factorization translates into a '10'.
there are
seven 5's: one each from 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30, and two from 25.
there are waaaaaaayyyyy more than seven 2's.
30! can accommodate as many as seven 10's before you run out of fives.
statement 2 is clearly insufficient.
statement 1, by itself, means that d can be anything from 1 to 7 inclusive.
together, d must be 7.
ans (c)