I took my GMAT today and scored a 650 with verbal taking the biggest hit (33). I seemed to be doing quiet well on MGMAT and GMATPrep tests, mostly scoring in 44-47. But I also tested myself on MGMAT and GMATPrep multiple times repeating the same tests almost 2-3 times. So I think my scores got really inflated.
Analysing what went wrong today in actual GMAT, I figured timing was my biggest problem. I was pacing way too slow and spent a lot of time on each question. When I had 30 min left to go, I was at question No. 21. The moment realised I am way off time, I rushed and in that process got a lot of questions wrong. Looking deeper, SC is the weakest, next is RC and then CR.
I have taken a date for retest one month from today and want to know know to improve my pacing in the next 4 weeks. Also I have exhausted most of the materials ( GMAT Prep - took multiple times and know most of the answers by heart, same goes for MGMAT ). Any inputs on what materials I can refer now? Or should I use the existing materials itself but approach the questions in a different manner? Pls advice