Okay, you mentioned that time management has been an issue, so this article can help:
http://www.manhattangmat.com/blog/index ... anagement/Also while practising the RC as standalone, I used to jot down one line theme of each paragraph.But neither in the Mocks nor in the actual paper I get enough time to do so.So,kindly suggest the proper strategy to tackle the RC.
I'm going to repeat again what I've said in my last two posts: I need much more specific data from you in order to help you. Right now, all I know is that you want to get better at RC and you have some timing issues. From there, I can't tell what specifically you need to improve (reading speed? reading comprehension? organization? note-taking? understanding the question? dealing with tricky trap answers? and so on), so my only possible advice would be "here's everything that you could possibly study about RC." That's basically our several-hundred-page book... and obviously I can't paste that here. ;)
If you would like specific advice about how to improve based upon your
very specific strengths and weaknesses, please use the article I linked to in my last two posts to analyze your performance in depth.
Please tell me which mock tests to follow now? i have already given al the MGMATs and GMAT prep mocks before the GMAT paper.Shall I repeat them?
Are you ready to take another practice test? Have you made significant improvement since your last one? Don't make the mistake that a lot of people make: don't just take a bunch of tests. That's a really inefficient way to improve.
How long has it been since you've taken the MGMAT and GMATPrep tests? If it was a while ago and you may have forgotten lots of the questions, then you may be able to repeat them. (You won't see all repeated questions - many will be new - but you are likely to see some repeated questions.)