Hi all,
I'm hoping you can provide a little more info with how the guessing strategy for IR affects scoring. I currently aim to skip 3-4 questions to allow a little over 3 minutes on the remaining questions. I tend to do poorly on the MSR questions, and as there are usually 3 or 4 questions associated with one of these, I originally started by just skipping all of the associated questions with MSR. It seems like with the time involved with getting a decent grasp of the info, it makes sense to then tackle the majority of these questions, or to skip them all together. But now, I'm wondering if this is a poor choice. I know in the Quant and Verbal sections we're advised to not skip multiple questions in a row if it can be avoided. It sounds like the IR section is NOT adaptive, so does this same advice hold? I'm also wondering if skipping all of one type of a question could negatively impact my score, or am I simply aiming for the more correct answers, and therefore should stick to this strategy?