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how do i know how many questions follows data?

by SUMEV926 Sat Jun 23, 2018 2:35 am

How would you know how many questions follow a set of data?
Obviously if I am applying the skipping method I would much rather not even read the info (overload) and get to next set of data and its questions but if the set of data is followed by 5 questions (ex GMAT IR 00.14) then it might be worth the investment in reading the info...?
Sage Pearce-Higgins
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Re: how do i know how many questions follows data?

by Sage Pearce-Higgins Tue Jun 26, 2018 11:31 am

On the IR section, usually one question follows given data. However, if there are multiple sources (presented as tabs at the top of the screen) then you can usually expect three problems. It's good to consider the types of problem that you find hard in order to anticipate skipping problems, however remember that all problem types come in grades of difficulty. So you may see quite an easy MSR question that only relies on looking at one of the sources. For that reason, I'd encourage you to invest at least 30 seconds in every problem just to check it out before skipping.