Great question.
For verbal, I'd go to Navigator first and might never look at the OG solution. (Especially for SC, in my opinion!)
For quant, it depends. Sometimes the quant solution is fine as far as it goes—but it only shows the "textbook" solution and there might also be a better / different approach. Other times, even the "textbook" solution is too hard / convoluted. So I think there, too, I would start with Navigator, but I might also sometimes go look at OG after. (In fact, we're trying to help you out with this. We've started to add a note when we think the OG solution is good—just saying something like "See OG for the algebraic solution" or something like that. If we say that, we think the OG solution is good. If we don't say it, then either we think it isn't that great or it's just an older solution that we wrote before we implemented this policy.