I took the test today for the second time and scored a 590 :( Please help!
The first time I took the test I scored a 560: (2 months ago)
Quant: 36 Verbal 31
I was rushing on math and guessed on the last few questions.
Today I scored a 590:
Quant: 41 Verbal 30
I was okay on timing on both sections this time. I thought I did REALLY well on verbal. The SC didnt seem too hard and RC ques were pretty straightforward. I was also able to identify the type of CR questions.
I have been practicing math AND verbal because I feel verbal is my strength and I know it weighs a bit more. However I needed to work on math to bring the score up a bit. What could have happened? or what am I doing wrong?
I have been self-studying using MGMAT books which have helped a lot. I have also been taking practice tests (under real testing conditions) to build stamina and get my timing down. Please help me!
The score on my last 2 mba.com prac exams:
Q 42/ V32--> 610
Q 42/ V38-->650
And I took a MGMAT test two days ago:
Q 44/V32--> 630
I was pretty sure I would get something around 630...Or ATLEAST a 600! My goal is a 660..Please give me some tips to improve my score. I need to take it again in a month if I want to apply to B-school this year.
I KNOW I CAN BEAT THE GMAT...but I have lost the motivation
Thank you :)