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Help RC questions

by EnriqueR905 Thu Aug 04, 2016 2:13 pm

Hello,I would like to know how I should approach inference questions in reading comprehension that only state:

"Which of the following is true?"

"The author suggests which of the following?"

Since in most inference and detail question prompts you are provided with some context on where to look for the support,I don't know how to effectively approach these,Should I review each answer and find the support or should i take another approach?

Thank You.
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Re: Help RC questions

by StaceyKoprince Wed Aug 10, 2016 12:08 am

The first thing I would do is gauge how I am with my timing. If I am behind, then this is a question I would skip. They haven't given me very much to work with, so it will take longer than usual and be harder than usual to answer.

Other factors:
- if you know you don't like this passage topic, that's another reason to guess and move on
- if your time is fine but you know that RC overall is a weakness or that you are becoming mentally fatigued, guess and move on

If you thought the passage was pretty straightforward (you feel comfortable with the topics discussed, it's not very long or hard to find things, etc) and your time is fine, then you can try working backwards from the answers. Use each answer choice as your clue and examine the passage to see whether you can infer that thing.
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum