Target: 650+
I pretty much went throught the first and second month's suggestions on this post, but I dont understand y i'm still scoring lower than a 600. Do i need to re-evalute my studying strategy. I already tried everything, but im gradually losing hope with it all. I've been studying on and off for two years now, and still i haven't seen any improvement. I felt like I sacrifice everything and already exhausted my resources, and now i'm losing hope. I originally scored a 410, 460 <--- (not effective studying just did run thrus/ w/o fundamentals) on my test and now when i take my practice test I'm scoring an average of 510. I still don't understand what it is that I'm doing wrong. Is there a way I should study? I really need help, but I don't really know where to look without spending already so much money. Here is brief on my study habits, the resources that I have used, and what i already know.
Here is a list of all the books, and resources I"ve used so far:
I pretty much used all the recommend books.
MGMT (Total guide) + 9 wk course
Princeton course
Powerscore CR Bible
Veritas Prep (TOTAL GUIDE)
Kaplan Book (cat test practice tests) CAT test
Study schedule: Studied everyday during the weeks (20hr) + weekends (20s)
3wks off: Studied the whole days for 3wks (9am-12midnight)
Finished all the MGMT in-actions problems, + Question Banks
Finished all the CR Bible problems
OG 12th (5x, run thru)
OG VERBAL (1x run thru)
OG QUANT ( 1x run thru)
Veritas Prep (Finished all the reading material, and also did all the math problems)
3/4/2011-->Manhattan CAT#2: 460 (30/29)---> rushed thru last 0 prob
3/6/2011-->Manhattan CAT#3: 530 (43/20) ---> rushed thru last 0 probs
3/7/2011-->Manhattan CAT#4: 530 (36/28) ---> rush thru last 2 probs
2/20/2011--->KAPLAN CAT#1: 520 (28/28)---> rushed thru last 2 probs
2/25/2011--->KAPLAN CAT#2: 510 (27/26) ---> rushed thru las 3 probs
2/27/2011--->KAPLAN CAT#3: 510 (30/23) ---->rushed thru last 2 probs
2/28/2011-->VERITAS PREP #1: 550 (40/29) --> rushed thru last 5 probs
2/29/2011-->PLATINUM GMAT#1: 590 (42/23) --> rushed thru 4 probs
2/13/11--->Manhattan CAT#1: 580 (42/28)-->rushed thru 8 probs
Do you see a pattern that I do not see. I dont know what i'm doing wrong. The more CATs I take the lower my score goes.
After I did the CAT exam MGMT #3 & #4, I did a run thru of the test and ask myself why i got it wrong and redo the problems all over again. Is that how you are supppose to study for the exam? As for the sentence corrections, I took a lot of notes for the review and wrote it in my book, answering y I got these problems wrong too. I did that for most of my SC and did see a significant improvement, but what i didnt understand was how come my math was not improving, yet its gets worse and worse and not consistent. At least I should see an improvement from my math right? But I dont see any improvement at all. Do people just keep doing run thrus of all the math problems until they get it right? Or do they try to figure it out through finding out and understanding the prinple of the math for each problem? I know how to solve majority of the math problems in the OG 12th (80%), OGverbal review (70%), but I still dont get it***Y i'm not improving. One of the strategies I used was spliting the btw what my strengths and weakness are.
Basic Mixture Problems
Geometry (Circles)
Interest Problems
Basic percentage
(Do you have any suggestions to help me improve on my weaknesses? Do you have any posting to help me with these specific problem categories?) I would really appreciate it*!
READING COMP: LOST HOPE, IS THERE A STRATEGY FOR THIS????? I just summarize the each paragraph 1,2,3,4,5. etc.
CRITICAL REASONING: I jot down notes as below: Each questions---> Is this the right ways to get a higher score for Critical Reasoning? Is there a better strategy?
Each question I would ID the: Premise/Conclusion
RATE X TIME=D: I use the chart from one of your post, but d=d, t=t, etc. but I don't know when and where to plug in to start. Sometimes when i used the chart to answers the problem I usually get lost and I don't know what to look for and where to start my plug-in so b/c of that it takes me a while to figure it out, b/c not all the problems are like the example posted on this forum, so i have to assume that it's a completely new problem. When I do, its usually takes me 3-4mins to get the answer right. (I KNOW HOW TO DO IT, BUT IT TAKES ME LONGER TO SOLVE IT.) Is there a way i can automatically solve it a lot quicker?
GEOMETRY-(how do you know what is proportional?) fastest ways to solve it.
GEOMETRY-(how do you know how to id how to draw it?) very hard prob OG(DS#109)
GEOMETRY-(similar triangles) is it automatcially similar if 2 angles or 2 sides are similar?
COMBINATION/PROBABILTY-how do you know whether to use probability or combination?
COMBINATION/CONSTRAINTS --> Is there a shortcut? b/c there is so many ways to solve it, i start to get confused in what type way to solve it is the easiest way. Any suggestions? manhattan/veritas prep all have different stratgies.
AVERAGES(DS)- Is there a shortcut?
Percentage Problems-(DS)-variables, is there a shorter way to identify it?
RTD(DS)- are there shortcuts?
DS VARIABLES- Is there another shortcut for DS plugging in? How do you know what to plug in to cut your time in half? I realize that a lot of time when i plug in answers I generally would get the answer right, but I dont know how to do it faster***whenever i plug in I usually take 3-4 mins on those problems and I get press on time to just click on an answer* I use MGMT GMAT's strategy, NPZ, and FIZ, but it's not fast enough for me.
I really need help. I sacrificed too much already to give up. This morning felt like the end. Studying everyday, every hour, working so hard, then realizing that it didn't pay off is the worse feeling anybody can go thru, especially if it was for 2 whole years of sacrifice. I didn't really see the pattern until I took these 3 weeks off to study for the exam. I sacrified 2 years for this, I sacrifice going out everything. I just don't know what to do anymore that's y I really hope that somebody can help me with this. Besides this I bascially dont know what else to do. I felt like giving up, because it was starting to make me so depressed. But I know that if I do quit I would just hate myself even more. At the end it makes me questions: How many times does a person have to fail in order to finally succeed?