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GMAT Study Plan Advice

by bharataalv Sat Jan 26, 2013 11:18 pm

Instructors advice please on my proposed study plan for GMAT3 scheduled on 13 March 2013
What else shall I do or shall not do...

Date GMAT Results
31-05-2012 GMAT1 610 - 41 - 34
12-07-2012 MGMAT1 570 - 41 - 28
04-11-2012 MGMAT2 560 - 41 - 27
20-12-2012 MGMAT3 640 - 43 - 34
04-01-2013 GMAT2 640 - 46 - 33
17-01-2013 GMATPrep V1 Test 1 620 - 44 - 32

GMAT1 - only studied using OG12 - duration January to March 2012
GMAT2 - studied using MGMAT books (all of them) and GMATPill SC pill - duration June 2012 to January 2013 - Compiled Error Log, Flash Cards and MGMAT OG Archer but did not review the question extensively
GMAT1 & GMAT2 study problems - doing instead of analysing

Preparation for GMAT3:
Reviewed MGMAT, MGMAT - GMAT Roadmap, GMATClub and BeattheGMAT forums for study methods and came up with:
1. Analyse test results for MGMAT3 & GMATPrep V1 Test 1
2. Attack weakness areas
- The ideal is to continue on the "fix weaknesses" path until you are in the scoring range that you want on the real test, and then you spend a couple of weeks on a comprehensive review and take the test
4. Pattern recognition & develop efficient, repeatable motions
- Use EL & OG
5. Last 2 weeks!

Analyse test results
For MGMAT3 & GMATPrep V1 Test 1 as per: ... ice-tests/
Identified weaknesses / areas to improve

Attack weakness areas and analyse questions to death so as to develop pattern recognition and develop efficient, repeatable motions
Test scheduled on 11th March 2013, 43 days left
Study plan:
27 Jan to 30 Jan - RC
31 Jan to 3 Feb - WP
4 Feb to 7 Feb - SC
8 Feb to 11 Feb - NP
12 Feb to 15 Feb - CR
16 Feb to 19 Feb - FDP
20 Feb to 23 Feb - Alg & Geo
24 Feb - MGMAT4
25 Feb to 1 Mar - Analyse MGMAT4 + final review
2 Mar - GMATPRep
3 Mar to 8 Mar - Analyse GMATPrep + final review
9 Mar to 10 Mar - Rest and relax
11 Mar - GMAT3
13 Mar - R3 deadline

1. Only use error log (i.e. review question in error log first before doing new questions), OG13 and sup Verbal and Quant for prep
2. Do a max of 20q per day but analyse them to death as per MGMAT guidelines
3. Always redo the questions did on the previous with the mindset that I will get them 100% correct so as to internalize
4. Follow and learn one Ron’s video per night
5. Maybe review MGMAT flashcards and strategy guide before I studied for each section
6. Use GMATPill to study for SC. I think I learned SC better using GMATPill rather than MGMAT
7. My goal is to develop pattern recognition, and develop efficient and repeatable motions similar to jump shots

Additional details
1. Not setting a target score for myself as I tend to stress myself out if I set target score. Just going to give my best shot for GMAT3
2. I currently engage an MBA Admission consultant and am writing the essay at the same time as I am studying for GMAT3. The consultant advised that my score is at the bottom 10% of INSEAD but it is not a show stopper because of my experience and uncompetitive demographic. GMAT is not a show stopper but if I can get both my quant and verbal above 75% it’s the GMAT box ticked
3. If I am not happy with my MBA essays and GMAT score I can always apply to INSEAD Jan 2014 R1 intake rather than Sep 2013 R3 intake. Not going to stress myself because I do not have the results I need. Only aim to give my best shot

ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Location: Montreal

Re: GMAT Study Plan Advice

by StaceyKoprince Tue Jan 29, 2013 6:12 pm

Your general plan looks good - I really like most of what you have to say - although I'd encourage you to allow yourself a bit of flexibility. You may realize part-way through that something is going faster or slower than expected and you have to adjust a bit. That's fine.

Also, if you're doing quant and getting really sick of it, switch to verbal even though verbal isn't on your calendar for today. Make it easy for your brain to study. :)

Always redo the questions did on the previous with the mindset that I will get them 100% correct so as to internalize

Yes, redo. No, don't have the mindset that you'll get 100% right. You're setting yourself up to get frustrated / get mad at yourself, and that will negatively impact your study. When you're redoing stuff, you're hoping to get most right... but you'll still get some wrong, even just from careless mistakes when you're getting fatigued. That's okay - every mistake is an opportunity to get better, and that's the point of studying right? If you really are getting 100% right, then you're not giving yourself enough of a challenge! :)

If I am not happy with my MBA essays and GMAT score I can always apply to INSEAD Jan 2014 R1 intake rather than Sep 2013 R3 intake. Not going to stress myself because I do not have the results I need. Only aim to give my best shot

Love this. Yes, you can always postpone. Give it your best shot, but it's not a big deal in the grand scheme of things if you end up waiting till next year.

Good luck - let us know how it goes!
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum