Study and Strategy questions relating to the GMAT.
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Joined: Mon Mar 26, 2018 4:28 pm

GMAT Section Order

by ZachB702 Mon May 14, 2018 7:34 pm

Are there any statistics that support taking Quant first and Verbal second or vice-versa? The first time that I took the GMAT I did Quant first and Verbal second and was wondering if one method was better than the other.

Thank you!
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Re: GMAT Section Order

by StaceyKoprince Thu May 17, 2018 1:15 pm

There isn't one better order for the whole population, no. It's really just personal preference / what works best for you.

In general, we recommend that most people take their stronger section first (ie, if Q is stronger for you, do that one first). That way, you can "settle" into the test and build up momentum / feel good heading into your weaker section.

There's an exception: If you are super-nervous about your weaker section, to the point that you wouldn't be able to concentrate well on your stronger section because you'd just be dreading the weaker one coming up—then get the weaker one out of the way first.

Have you tried practice tests both ways? That's one good way to tell whether you want to try a different order on your next official test.
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum