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GMAT Retake - 660 Q49V31

by Jckl Sat Aug 11, 2012 10:16 am

Hi everyone,

I just took the GMAT this past Friday and was pretty down after scoring only a 660 (especially the verbal section). I'm a native speaker and did well on the practice tests so scoring that badly on the Verbal really shocked me.

On the test day, I was feeling pretty well after the AWA and IR (don't know the scores yet) since I managed to get a 5 for AWA twice in GMATWrite and an 8 for IR in GMATPrep under official conditions. I started the Quant part out fine but got stressed near the end (around the last 8-10 Qs) since I was getting relatively easy questions. I took my break and tried to refocus myself when I started the Verbal. I felt OK doing the Verbal and thought I actually did better in this section and even ended up with 10 mins for leftover time (looking back, however, I was worried about my Quant score while doing Verbal which probably made me less focused).

I took 5 of the MGMAT CATs, a free test from Kaplan and both the GMATPrep tests in my 2.5 months of studying.

My results were:

MGMAT#1 - 530 Q38V26
MGMAT#2 - 640 Q45V35
MGMAT#3 - 660 Q45V36; IR: 7.16/8
Kaplan#1 - 600 (forgot to record breakdown)
MGMAT#4 - 710 Q48V39 (did AWA and IR: 3.8/8*)
GMATPr#1 - 720 Q49V39 (did AWA and IR: 8/8)
MGMAT#5 - 730 Q46V45 (AWA: 5/6 and IR: 3.8/8*)
GMATPr#2 - 660 Q49V31 (AWA: 5/6 and IR (same set as 1), was distracted near the end of Verbal set, got last 10/13 wrong but only 4 wrong before that)

* for some reason I keep scoring poorly in the MGMAT IR section compared to the MGMAT#3 or GMATPrep#1 even though I didn't particularly study IR much.

I think I really improved my timing between the Kaplan test and the remaining CATs since I had to rush on the Quant part before but I was able to rework my timing on the Quant and just quickly skipped the hard ones to save time. The last 4 CATs were taken in the last 2 weeks before the test.

My weaknesses in Quant varied between the tests but mainly were Number Properties, VICs, and Word Translations related. I had done a portion of the Advanced Quant as well but haven't finished up the book.

My weaknesses in Verbal are mainly related to Sentence Correction and some Critical Reasoning Qs (usually the breakup for wrong questions on practice tests was 7-10 SC and 2-3 CR and 0-2 RC related). I had put particular attention to SC but I still fail in selecting the correct answer (even though for a portion of the ones I got wrong I had narrowed it down to between the right choice and the wrong one).

My question is, how should I spend my next 3.5 weeks reviewing the GMAT (aiming for mid-Sept retake)? Should I reset the MGMAT CATs and GMATPrep and retake them every week? (However, I am worried about getting the same questions.)

I'm confused as how my study plan should look (Should I do a laser focus approach on specific areas and skim the other topics? or do a general review for every topic?)

My goal is to get a 720+ score.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I really appreciate it.
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Re: GMAT Retake - 660 Q49V31

by StaceyKoprince Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:45 am

I'm sorry you had a rough test day. Our task now is to figure out what went wrong (and it sounds like you've got some ideas) so that we know what to do to make it better next time.

I started the Quant part out fine but got stressed near the end (around the last 8-10 Qs) since I was getting relatively easy questions

And, yet, you couldn't have been getting "relatively easy" Qs for the last 8 to 10 or your score would have been a lot lower than 49 (83rd percentile, and what you had been scoring towards on practice tests toward the end of your study). What's more likely is that you saw some questions that are more areas of strength for you, and maybe a couple of easier experimental questions, and you started psyching yourself out.

And then, as you said, you stressed about that during Verbal, which naturally hurt you during verbal.

and even ended up with 10 mins for leftover time

This is a bad sign, not a good one. It means you were rushing and, if you were rushing, you made careless mistakes without even realizing it. That's why you felt better about verbal but didn't actually do better.

You note that, on your last GMATPrep, you got "distracted" during the verbal section and got a bunch of questions wrong at the end. Your score dropped - to the same level that you scored on the real test. Something similar happened on this one. It might not have been exactly the same pattern (10 of last 13 wrong). You could have been rushing through the whole thing and just never lifted your score from the beginning. But basically the same thing happened: you didn't perform at your normal potential.

Okay, your goal is 720. Your quant score was where it needed to be but not your verbal score. SC is your clear weakness, based on the data you gave. At this point, you do NOT want to do a general review of everything, no. You want to focus in on your weaknesses. You'll spend some amount of time working on those until you feel that they're at the level you want. THEN, you'll do a more general review for 1-2 weeks. Then, you'll take the test again.

For SC, start here; are these the kinds of questions that have been giving you trouble? ... orrection/

Also, no, don't take a bunch of practice tests. Practice CATs are really good for (a) figuring out where you're scoring right now, (b) practicing stamina, and (c) analyzing your strengths and weaknesses. The actual act of just taking the exam is NOT so useful for improving. It's what you do with the test results / between tests that helps you to improve.

You already know the big problem, it sounds like - so work on that big problem until you feel you've made some sort of significant improvement, then take a CAT to see whether the data supports the feeling that you did improve. :)

You mention specifically being able to narrow down to 2 at times but then selecting the wrong one. When you study, you have to ask yourself:
1) why was the wrong answer so tempting? why did it look like it might be right? (be as explicit as possible; also, now you know this is not a good reason to pick an answer)
2) why did the right answer seem wrong? what made it so tempting to cross off the right answer? why were those things actually okay; what was my error in thinking that they were wrong? (also, now you know that this is not a good reason to eliminate an answer)

Do this even when you get the question right. Pick out what you think is the most tempting of the wrong answers and do the analysis. What you're doing here is teaching yourself how they set traps, how they distract you from the right answer and get you to consider the wrong one. If you know how they do that, you're a lot less likely to fall for it!

You can still take both GMATPrep and MGMAT CATs with repeats as long as you follow a few guidelines to minimize the chance of artificially inflating your score via question repeats. To start, don't go back over all the old questions any longer - ignore them so you start to forget them. (Still go over right after you take a new test, but don't do what some people do, which is to review obsessively till you've got them memorized, practically.)

Now, during a CAT, anytime you see a problem that you remember (and this means: I know the answer or I'm pretty sure I remember the answer, not just "hmm, this looks vaguely familiar..."), immediately look at the timer and make yourself sit there for the full length of time for that question type. This way, you don't artificially give yourself more time than you should have. Second, think about whether you got this problem right the last time. If you did, get it right again this time. If you didn't, get it wrong again. If you *completely honestly* think that you would get it right this time around if it were a new question (even though you got it wrong last time) because you've studied that area and improved, then get it right this time.

Also, if you take GMATPrep again, set up 12 IR questions for yourself from some other source. Don't give yourself the mental break of having questions that you've already seen before.

Finally, take a look at this article, particularly the "How To Study" section: ... -the-gmat/
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum
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Re: GMAT Retake - 660 Q49V31

by Jckl Tue Sep 04, 2012 4:37 pm

Hi Stacey, thanks for the advice. I really appreciate it.

I've been acting on it for the most part these past few weeks. I just did my first full MGMAT CAT (with AWA and IR) since the official test and scored a 750. I am planning on doing a GMATPrep CAT on Sunday and will be taking the official test next Thursday. I would really appreciate it if I can get some final touch up advice before the test next week.

Here is the breakup of my score I got for the MGMAT CAT:

750 Q48V45; IR: 4.35/8 (not that concerned since I scored a 7/8 on the official)

Quant: 29 right, 8 wrong (PS: 6, DS:2, 300-500: 2, 600-700: 3, 700-800: 3)

Algebra: 7 right, 2 wrong (linear equations, quadratic equations)
Geometry: 3 right, 1 wrong (triangles and diagonals)
Number Properties: 6 right, 1 wrong (probability)
Word Problems: 7 right, 3 wrong (rates/ work, overlap sets x2)
FDPs: 6 right, 1 wrong (digits and decimals)

Questions I spent over 2 mins on:

# Properties: (Divisibility & Primes (x3))
Algebra: (Formulas, Inequalities)
Word Prop: (Algebraic Translations, Rates & Work, Overlapping Sets (x2), Statistics (x2))
FDPs: (Percents)

Questions I got wrong under 1 min:
Algebra: (Quadratic Equations)

Verbal: 31 right, 10 wrong (700-800: 10)

Critical Reasoning: 8 right, 6 wrong (Weaken Argument (x2), Draw a Conclusion, Mimic Argument, Evaluate Argument, Describe the Role)
Sentence Correction: 12 right, 3 wrong (Verbs (Pronouns), Comparisons (Meaning), Concision)
Reading Comprehension 11 right, 1 wrong (Inference)

Questions I spend over 1:50 mins on:

Critical Reasoning: (Describe Role, Draw Conclusion (x2), Mimic Argument, Explain Discrepancy, Evaluate Argument)
Sentence Correction: (Meaning (x2), Comparisons, SVA (modifiers), Modifiers)
Reading Comprehension: (Main Idea, Specific Detail) [not counting the 1st question]

Questions I got wrong under 1:00 min:
Critical Reasoning: (Weaken Argument)
Sentence Correction: (Verbs (Pronoun), Concision)

From the data, I know I need to work on Algebra, Word Translations, Critical Reasoning and Sentence Correction some more.

My question is given that I have already worked through all the official guides (OG 12, 13, Quant and Verbal) once already, would I be better off
1) reviewing the specific concepts from the MGMAT books (6-7 days), do the GMATprep + mistakes review (1 day) and do a general review (2-3 days) before the test


2) reviewing specific concepts (3-4 days), then do the GMATprep + mistakes review (1 day), do some selected questions + mistakes review (2-3 days) from the quant and verbal guide since its been a month and general review (2-3 days) before the test?

I look forward to hearing from you. Once again, thanks for your help.
ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Re: GMAT Retake - 660 Q49V31

by StaceyKoprince Mon Sep 10, 2012 11:32 am

Sorry I'm just getting back to you now - I was on vacation most of last week.

Important things that I'm noticing from what you wrote:
- Notice the problems that show up on both the "wrong" and "spent too much time" lists. eg, both overlapping sets questions? Your goal now on those is to get them wrong faster. I'm entirely serious; you're not going to change them into a strength in a week, so instead make them neutral: you're getting them wrong anyway, so at least don't lose time on them in future.

- re: verbal timing, just note that the "1m50s = too long" idea is for SC ONLY. For CR, 2m is average, so 2.5m+ is too long. Similar for RC questions that cover specific detail or inferences.

- For the last roughly 7 to 10 days, everybody should work more on a comprehensive review than anything else. We can't make any major changes in our fundamental weaknesses in a week. Plus, we risk losing points on our strengths if we don't do a final review. So accept that your strengths and weaknesses are what they are, and go into final review mode.

You can get more details about what and how to review here: ... game-plan/ ... to-review/

Note that the article talks about a 2-week process; just do the last part (last 1 week). But overall focus is on comprehensive review of major techniques and strategies, with one last practice test about 5-7 days before.

Good luck!
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum
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Re: GMAT Retake - 660 Q49V31

by Jckl Sat Sep 15, 2012 12:45 pm

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to update my results on my 2nd attempt on the GMAT so this may be of some help for others.

So I ended up with a 700 (Q49V35) on the official test and was happy that I was able to cracked the 700 barrier but also a little disappointed at my Verbal result again. I also had a little bit of bad luck during the test (the floor above the test centre was being renovated... and had constant large thumping noises throughout the test).

Anyways, overall I'm glad to be done with the GMAT and just wanted to say thanks to Stacey for helping me out with reviewing for the rewrite.

And one final question for Stacey; suppose I want to enroll in a MSF program however the average GMAT for the program is around 720, will my GMAT score be enough to check the box or will I have to overcompensate with other components (like essays and GPA (my GPA not that high but meets the requirement))?

Once again, thanks for the help.
ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Re: GMAT Retake - 660 Q49V31

by StaceyKoprince Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:42 pm

Great job! I know you wanted even more on verbal, but a lift of 4 points to V35 is really great. :)

I'll give you my opinion re: the 720 thing, but you should also ask an admissions consultant, since this isn't my area of expertise. If you're applying to a program with an average of 720, then a score of 700 obviously won't be a "pro" point for you but it also shouldn't be a con. You're right within the "close enough" range around that average (in my opinion - and statistically speaking, which the admissions officers should know).

Now, as to whether you need something else to compensate, let's put it this way: you need to have at least one thing on your application that is better than the "average." (I put average in quotes because we're not only talking about numbers here.) You need something that stands out, whatever that is. The GMAT score isn't going to stand out. Sounds like the GPA won't stand out either. So something else needs to - work experience, essays, recommendations, extracurriculars, something.

Again, an admissions consultant can advise you better than I can, but I don't think a lot of people are gaining admittance with an application in which everything is just below or just at the "average" or "norm." Something has got to capture the admission committee's attention.
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum