Hi everyone,
I just took the GMAT this past Friday and was pretty down after scoring only a 660 (especially the verbal section). I'm a native speaker and did well on the practice tests so scoring that badly on the Verbal really shocked me.
On the test day, I was feeling pretty well after the AWA and IR (don't know the scores yet) since I managed to get a 5 for AWA twice in GMATWrite and an 8 for IR in GMATPrep under official conditions. I started the Quant part out fine but got stressed near the end (around the last 8-10 Qs) since I was getting relatively easy questions. I took my break and tried to refocus myself when I started the Verbal. I felt OK doing the Verbal and thought I actually did better in this section and even ended up with 10 mins for leftover time (looking back, however, I was worried about my Quant score while doing Verbal which probably made me less focused).
I took 5 of the MGMAT CATs, a free test from Kaplan and both the GMATPrep tests in my 2.5 months of studying.
My results were:
MGMAT#1 - 530 Q38V26
MGMAT#2 - 640 Q45V35
MGMAT#3 - 660 Q45V36; IR: 7.16/8
Kaplan#1 - 600 (forgot to record breakdown)
MGMAT#4 - 710 Q48V39 (did AWA and IR: 3.8/8*)
GMATPr#1 - 720 Q49V39 (did AWA and IR: 8/8)
MGMAT#5 - 730 Q46V45 (AWA: 5/6 and IR: 3.8/8*)
GMATPr#2 - 660 Q49V31 (AWA: 5/6 and IR (same set as 1), was distracted near the end of Verbal set, got last 10/13 wrong but only 4 wrong before that)
* for some reason I keep scoring poorly in the MGMAT IR section compared to the MGMAT#3 or GMATPrep#1 even though I didn't particularly study IR much.
I think I really improved my timing between the Kaplan test and the remaining CATs since I had to rush on the Quant part before but I was able to rework my timing on the Quant and just quickly skipped the hard ones to save time. The last 4 CATs were taken in the last 2 weeks before the test.
My weaknesses in Quant varied between the tests but mainly were Number Properties, VICs, and Word Translations related. I had done a portion of the Advanced Quant as well but haven't finished up the book.
My weaknesses in Verbal are mainly related to Sentence Correction and some Critical Reasoning Qs (usually the breakup for wrong questions on practice tests was 7-10 SC and 2-3 CR and 0-2 RC related). I had put particular attention to SC but I still fail in selecting the correct answer (even though for a portion of the ones I got wrong I had narrowed it down to between the right choice and the wrong one).
My question is, how should I spend my next 3.5 weeks reviewing the GMAT (aiming for mid-Sept retake)? Should I reset the MGMAT CATs and GMATPrep and retake them every week? (However, I am worried about getting the same questions.)
I'm confused as how my study plan should look (Should I do a laser focus approach on specific areas and skim the other topics? or do a general review for every topic?)
My goal is to get a 720+ score.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. I really appreciate it.