by Sage Pearce-Higgins Thu Sep 14, 2017 7:08 am
No, the passage doesn't say that directly. Remember, this is an inference question ("the passage suggests..."); this means that we're looking for something that follows logically from the information in the passage. (Check out the chapter in the CR strategy guide on this too.)
For answer E, there's no mention of anything that suggests that scientists have or have not been able to duplicate the results. However, relating to answer A, we're told that Henyey's findings ('that temperatures in drill holes near the fault were not as elevated as had been expected') has a possible explanation, described in the final sentence. Since we're told that scientists 'wondered', i.e. they don't know for sure, this means that there's no definitive (certain) explanation.
For RC, it's important to match up relevant terms and phrases between the question and the passage. When a question mentions 'Henyey's findings', think "What are those findings?".