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geometry question bank

by sneha965 Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:02 am


I have doubts in the 6th and 7th questions in the geometry question bank. First, I want to know whether the diagonals in the rectangle bisect each other. (I know they are equal).

Q6)The statement 1 says that AC and BD bisect each other. So it can be a parallelogram, rhombus, rectangle, square. Insufficient.

Statemt 2 says that angle ABC is a right angle. So, rectangle or square.insufficient
Combining both statmts, rectangle or square.

Answer is not E. Can you tell me where I have gone wrong?

Q7) statemt 1 : AC and BC are perpendicular bisectors of eachother.
So, square or rhombus or rectangle.Insufficient.
Statement 2 : AB=BC=CD=AD
all sides are equal, So, rhombus or square.

Combining both, rhombus or square.

Again Answer is not E. Where have I gone wrong?

Please advise me .
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Re: geometry question bank

by RonPurewal Sun Sep 23, 2012 4:32 am

per forum rules, please post the actual questions. without the actual questions, this thread isn't going to help anybody else who might find it.

if the questions require images, please take a screenshot of the image(s) and either (1) embed it in your post, or (2) post it to an image hosting site such as and then link to it in your post.
